AA-ALIGNER: Allele-Aware ALignments for Investigating GeNetic Effects on Regulation Enrichment of one allele in quantitative sequence data, or allelic imbalance, can indicated allelic differences in transcription factor binding and/or gene transcriptional regulation. Reference mapping biases at heterozygous sites hinder accurate identification of allelic imbalance. We have developed the AA-ALIGNER pipeline to overcome reference mapping biases and identify allelic imbalance in quantitative sequence data. AA-ALIGNER can accurately identify imbalance using any available or even no sample genotype data. AA-ALIGNER 1.0 - AA-ALIGNER for a single machine usage: perl AA_ALIGNER.pl [options]... [fastq files(s)] GENERAL OPTIONS: -configuration_file configuration file (required) -out_directory directory for permanent files (default=./) -temp_directory directory for intermediate files (default=./) -out_prefix prefix for output bam file and imbalance files RUN OPTIONS: -create_reference create a sample-specific reference genome (default=OFF) -filter_fastq filters fastq files before alignment to convert base qualities to Sanger format, trim sequences (if necessary), and removes low quality sequence reads (default=OFF) -align aligns sequences to specified genomes (default=OFF) -filter_alignment filters alignments to remove reads that map multiple sites,fall in blacklist regions, and are possible PCR duplicates (default = OFF) -find_imbalance dentifies sites allelic imbalance in sequence alignment (default=OFF) -all runs entire alignment pipeline filter_fastq, align, filter_alignments, and find_imbalance (default=ON) AA-ALIGNER CLUSTER 1.0 - AA-ALIGNER for a cluster (currently implemented for LSF only) usage: perl AA_ALIGNER_cluster.pl [options]... [fastq files(s)] GENERAL OPTIONS: -configuration_file configuration file (required) -cluster_configuration configuration file for cluster settings -out_directory directory for permanent files (default=./) -temp_directory directory for intermediate files (default=./) -out_prefix prefix for output bam file and imbalance files RUN OPTIONS: -create_reference create a sample-specific reference genome (default=OFF) -filter_fastq filters fastq files before alignment to convert base qualities to Sanger format, trim sequences (if necessary), and removes low quality sequence reads (default=OFF) -align aligns sequences to specified genomes (default=OFF) -filter_alignment filters alignments to remove reads that map multiple sites,fall in blacklist regions, and are possible PCR duplicates (default = OFF) -find_imbalance identifies sites allelic imbalance in sequence alignment (default=OFF) -all runs entire alignment pipeline filter_fastq, align, filter_alignments, and find_imbalance (default=ON) Example Usage Usage examples are given for AA_ALIGNER but also apply to AA_ALIGNER CLUSTER with the addition of the cluster_configuration option FASTQ Files used in the example can be found in AA_ALIGNER/example/fastq/ Create a custom reference file System Dependencies GENERAL Perl https://www.perl.org/ Perl Modules: Getopt::Long Math::CDF Java https://java.com/en/download/ Python https://www.python.org/ FASTQ FILTERING FastQC http://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/ GALAXY SOURCE for FASTQ_groomer https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Admin/GetGalaxy FASTX Toolkit http://hannonlab.cshl.edu/fastx_toolkit/ SEQUENCE ALIGNMENT GSNAP/GMAP http://research-pub.gene.com/gmap/ FILTER ALIGNMENT Picard Tools http://broadinstitute.github.io/picard/ SAMtools http://samtools.sourceforge.net/ FIND ALLELIC IMBALANCE SAMtools http://samtools.sourceforge.net/ GSNAP/GMAP http://research-pub.gene.com/gmap/